How to Avoid Ankle Injuries


One of the main causes of having tired and aching feet and ankles is insufficient ankle strength. This greatly contributes to instability in the ankle joints and increases the chances of suffering a severe ankle sprain. Having weak ankles can also cause you to alter the way you walk thereby adversely affecting your knees, hips, and back as well. Increasing your ankle strength is essential to avoiding ankle injuries and to avoiding other problems associated with poor spinal alignment.

Try these 4 methods to increase the strength and flexibility of your feet and ankles:

1)   Properly fitted footwear and custom orthotic insertsAlways wear supportive and comfortable shoes with proper arch support for your foot type. Ankle braces and other orthotic inserts can prevent detrimental ankle rolling and injuries.

2)   Calf raises—Stand on the edge of a step and flex your feet up and down. This will stretch your calf muscles and toes and increase muscle strength if done regularly. 

3)   Heel walking exercises—This exercise is easily accomplished by lifting the front of your foot off the ground and walking on your heels. It feels and looks a bit awkward, but is a very effective method for ankle improvement. 

4)   Stretching exercises—Stretch out the ligaments and tendons in your ankles by rolling a tennis ball under your foot. You can vary the intensity by how much weight you put on the foot.

If you are experiencing problems with weak ankles, seeing an experienced board-certified podiatrist for proper diagnosis and treatment is essential. At E.J. Nemet Podiatry in Twinsburg,  E.J. Nemet, DPM, treats a variety of foot and ankle conditions including sports injuriespediatric foot problems, diabetic foot complications, nerve disorders, and toenail and skin conditions. With advanced technologies and a dedicated staff, Dr. Nemet provides expert and compassionate care to patients in the Twinsburg and Beachwood areas. To contact us or to schedule an appointment, please call (234) 212-9940.