3 Treatments for Painful Plantar Warts


The plantar fascia is the wide band of flexible tissue that spans the bottom of your foot and forms your arch. When warts form on the bottom of your feet they can grow hidden underneath the thick, callused skin that covers the heel and ball area of the foot. These are called plantar warts and since they tend to form in the high-pressure areas of the foot they can cause severe pain whenever you take a step.

3 treatments for plantar warts include the following:

  1. Skin removal and acid treatment—The thick skin that often covers a plantar wart can be removed with abrasion using a file or sanding stone. Salicylic acid is then applied to gradually peel away the wart in layers. This treatment can also be combined with cryotherapy.

  2. Cryotherapy—Your foot doctor will apply liquid nitrogen to the wart to freeze it and cauterize the blood vessels that supply the wart. The wart can be broken off in larger pieces with minimal bleeding and discomfort.

  3. Antiviral medication—All warts are caused by a virus and antiviral medication can be applied directly or taken internally to kill the virus and prevent wart development.

Keep your feet clean, dry and protected with shower shoes or sandals whenever you are using public areas like locker rooms and showers to help decrease your exposure to microbes.

If you suspect that you have painful hidden plantar warts see your foot doctor for the proper treatment. At E.J. Nemet Podiatry in Twinsburg,  E.J. Nemet, DPM, treats a variety of foot and ankle conditions, including sports injuries, pediatric foot problems, diabetic foot complications, nerve disorders, and toenail and skin conditions. With advanced technologies and dedicated staff, Dr. Nemet provides expert and compassionate care to patients in the Twinsburg area. To contact us or to schedule an appointment, please call (234) 212-9940.